Peel That Onion

Exfoliation really is one of the most important things you can do for your skin.  I use a very good exfoliating wash at least three times a week.  My t-zone however can be very oily and congested and it never quite seems like I make a great dent in these areas.  Furthermore, I have a tendency towards broken capillaries around my chin and nose so I really have no choice but to be super gentle.  An esthetician once told me that because of this reason I should avoid manual exfoliation and stick with chemical.  I like my exfoliating wash however so I have somewhat stubbornly stuck with that regime.
Unfortunately as we get older (notice my neurotic switch to third person) we really do need to exfoliate more and more because our skin simply will not efficiently turnover on its own.  Gentle manual exfoliation becomes less and less effective.  This is how we get that grey look.
So I have been researching chemical peel products containing glycolic and salicylic acids.  Glycolic acid is a very effective alpha-hydroxy acid because it absorbs very well into your skin due to its small size.  I’ve also read that salicylic acid, a beta-hydroxy acid, causes your skin cells to shed more readily.  Unlike an alpha-hydroxy acid, it does not lose its effectiveness and you do not need to take a break for it to work again.         
Peter Thomas Roth Un-Wrinkle Pads are serious business because they contain glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, and retinol.  They also contain peptides (yay!).  Peptides contain strings of amino acids which work to build your skin firmness and collagen production as well.
High concentrations of a beta-hydroxy acid like salicylic acid should not be left for any significant length of time on your skin.  If you over do it, you may get a wind burn effect.  So this product is something you apply for no more than 2 minutes and WASH completely OFF.  Think of it like a quick mask rather than a toner or serum.  I have sensitive skin so I have actually slowly built up to almost two minutes, about three times a week.  I started with less than a minute.  Someone else may be able to use it daily, possibly if you have very oily skin, but I am not one of those people.  I read the label and have been diligent so I have avoided any bad reactions.  Also you MUST wear sunscreen.  Your skin will be more likely to burn in the sun.
OK, now that I’ve killed you with information, let me get to the point.  I LOVE these pads!  I feel like I have new skin.  Sometimes you need to shake things up a little and I’m here to tell you that the pores around my nose and chin are significantly smaller and less congested.  My skin feels smooth and soft and looks very fresh and peachy.  My serums and moisturizers disappear immediately into my skin. 
Now I am not someone who has deep wrinkles so I cannot vouch for that but I do feel like my skin is plumper and firmer due to the cellular renewal which is exactly what will make deep wrinkles seem significantly less severe.

Peter Thomas Roth Un-Wrinkle Peel Pads 60 Pads

Warning:  the first time I used this product, my t-zone became super oily for a couple hours.  Removing the dead skin cells unblocked those pores and the oil just oozed out.  It was like “Release the Kraken!”  This only happened the first time I unblocked those pores.  It has not happened again and I would actually say my t-zone is actually less oily in general now that I’ve used the product regularly.  Don’t be alarmed or dissuaded if this happens to you your first time.  Just get out those blotting papers.  Whatever was percolating underneath those blocked pores will come to the surface. 



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