Age Appropriate Skincare Tips - What Should I Use and When?

It seems that most people don’t realize just how very important it is to take care of your skin or even really how to go about it.  I have been obsessed with skincare since I was 19.  I have also wasted a lot of money on products I really didn’t need when I was younger.  So here’s a quick guideline on what products to use when, with the understanding that everyone is different.  So if you’re smoking, for example, you may need to add some of that 40 + product earlier in the game.

These are the golden years my friends but if you don’t take care of your skin you will regret it.  You absolutely must:

Wash your face every day with a mild cleanser that does not contain alcohol.  It’s tempting I know if you tend towards oily skin in any way, but alcohol will make your skin produce more oil.  You heard me.
Never sleep in your makeup.  This can be a challenge for the best of us but if you want to rock it out later in your life, make it an ingrained habit to wash that face!
If you use a toner make absolute sure it does not contain alcohol.  Are we clear that alcohol is not your friend?  Good.

Once a week is sufficient in your 20’s.  If you have oilier skin, you may need a bit more, possibly twice a week.  Do not use anything with jagged nuts.
If you use a facial brush, either electronic or manual, there should be no need to use further product to exfoliate your skin.  However it is gentle enough to use every day.
Replace your brush head regularly.  The last thing you need is to brush bacteria all over your skin.
Most of my 20’s were spent on my never ending quest to find the perfect moisturizer.  You know, that Goldilocks dilemma of finding something lightweight, not too greasy yet not too dry.  In any case, keep looking for what works for you but you damn well better apply what you have every time you wash your face.
Use Sunscreen
My extra driver side freckles remind me every day just how stupid it was to think I was invincible or worse, protected by my car window.  Any women in her 40’s will tell you her biggest skincare regret is not using sunscreen every day in her 20’s.   If you insist on looking tan, do it the fake way and apply that sunscreen!
Eat Right and Drink Water
Sorry, but if you eat crap, it will reflect on your face.  Drinking too much soda instead of water will also wreak havoc on your body and skin.
Don’t Smoke
The quickest way to add 10 to 20 years to your face is to smoke.  So go head, smoke if you must.  Just don’t expect to look good later.  If healthy lungs aren’t enough incentive for you, maybe vanity will do the trick.

You’re still a baby and looking damn good my friend (assuming you followed the advice above) but now it’s time to start adding some extras to your regime:

Exfoliate More
Now is the time to start exfoliating 2 to 3 times a week.  If you’re extra sensitive, you may break out a little.  If that happens don’t panic, pull it back a day on the exfoliation and you’ll be fine.
If you use a facial brush, either electronic or manual, this does not replace using a good exfoliating wash 2 to 3 times a week. 
Consider adding a weekly mask, depending on your specific needs whether it be for oily or dry skin.  If there is an exfoliating element to the mask, drop one day of exfoliation.
Now is also the time to invest in a serum.  Bump up the volume of your existing face crème with vitamins and peptides.
Eye Crème
Your moisturizer might have been enough under your eyes in your 20’s but now a good, solid eye crème is a must.

40’s and Beyond:
They say your 40’s and 50’s are the best years of your life.  Don’t stress out about looking 20.  Focus on thriving with your best health, body, skin possible right now.  You really cannot get away with not eating right and exercising.  Now is the time to put yourself first, at the very least in these areas and also consider adding the following items to your arsenal list:
Consider a Weekly Peel
You should now use your appropriately mild exfoliating wash every day depending on your sensitivity.  A weekly peel as tolerated will make a huge difference as well.  You now have to instigate that cellular renewal yourself because it isn’t going to happen on its own.  If you’re starting this after not being so great about exfoliation over the years, try using a peel every other day as tolerated for 2 weeks.  Then switch to once a week going forward.  As tolerated is key.  Don’t overdo it or leave these products on too long.  Always be very thorough when you rinse a peel off.  If you get a little irritated, back off on the frequency.     
A solid retinol product at night will work wonders.  You will thank me on this one.
Hyaluronic Acid AKA Sodium Hyaluronate
This is a humectant found naturally in your skin when you are younger which holds ten times its weight in moisture.  As we get older we start to fight that dry crepe effect.  There is nothing like hyaluronic acid to plump up your skin and help it appear smooth and hydrated.  It’s not oily, so don’t worry about that.  Just start looking for this ingredient in everything from your moisturizer to your foundation.  It’s a beautiful thing.
With retinol, you must use a minimum SPF 45 sunscreen.  Otherwise you will cause more damage.
A silicone based primer is your friend.  Consider using one for special occasions if not every day.  Boys and girls, these are clear, so no one will know you're wearing it, just that you're looking damn good!

Obviously if you’ve been living hard, you may feel you need to start adding some of the bigger guns earlier than illustrated here.  Everyone is different with different genetics and tolerances.  The earlier you start with adequate skincare the better though.  I’m living proof of this.  Starting at age 19 has made all the difference in my life.  So do your children, nieces and nephews the favor of getting them started now!



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