Can a Serum Seriously Unwrinkle You?

Now that I am (gasp) 41 years old, the prospect of delaying the aging process feels a bit like running after a ball rolling off a slanted three legged table.  The odds really aren't in my favor.  That doesn't mean I'm ever going to stop fighting.  Maybe fighting isn't the right word.  I truly believe that if you treat yourself with care and respect, you'll be at your best at any age.

Speaking of, your 40's are exactly the right time to implement peptides into your regime.  It's not worth spending the money when you're younger and your skin is naturally producing all that good stuff.  If you're my age or older however, you really must start saving your dimes and forking out the necessary cash to slather your skin with peptides.  I save money in other ways.  I make my own face crème with bulk ingredients from a wholesaler and I make sure to include the mother of all ingredients, hyaluronic acid.  If you don't have hyaluronic acid in your regime and your 35 and over by the way, do a quick little search in the upper right corner of this site to find and start using this ingredient ASAP.  It is CRIMINAL at this point to not use hyaluronic acid.  Oh and retinol, look up retinol and START USING IT.

I digress, peptides are where it's at for firmer skin and to help prevent wrinkles.  Once you have deep wrinkles you really can't get rid of them though.  You can help mitigate their appearance by keeping your skin plump and hydrated but you can't actually UNWRINKLE deep wrinkles from your face.  That's silly. 

With that said, my wholesaler doesn't carry peptides so I am investing in PETER THOMAS ROTH'S UN-WRINKLE which is chalk full of all sorts of peptide goodness.  The name is a bit much and asking for criticism if you ask me.  But, I have been using this serum religiously every day and I really do think those little eleven lines between my eyebrows are less dramatic.  So, that's enough encouragement for me.  Also I definitely think it helps with the overall firmness of my skin.  So there you go.

I love this product!  I hate paying for it, but I love it.  I highly recommend doing a little research online and price comparison.  There are great deals but you're not going to get them in a store.



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